Just one buck can make a difference in a child’s life, like Cayden’s.
In 2017, TARC’s Children’s Services provided critical early intervention services to 747 children and in the first five months of 2018 have served 547 children (anticipating serving 750 children by December of this year). #JustABuck can make a big difference!
Your support will help us continue to provide excellent service, support and advocacy to children in Shawnee County with developmental, intellectual and related disabilities and delays. Services provided in our tiny-k program are provided at no cost to families, every dollar helps us continue to provide supports and services.
Meet Cayden and her family
TARC’s infant-toddler program has been nothing but wonderful. They offer more than services, support and advocacy. They gave our family hope, they were a light our family needed on our darkest days.
Cayden was born at 25 weeks gestation and weighed 16 ounces at birth. She was very sick and had a lot to fight! She spent nearly five months in the NICU before we were able to bring her home.
Cayden began to receive services from TARC shortly after we brought her home. TARC had a full team of supports ready for Cayden – physical therapist, occupational therapist, dietitian, speech therapist and a family service coordinator. I loved knowing Cayden had all the supports she needed and I didn’t have to go out looking for resources.
TARC ensured Cayden had everything she needed at no cost to us, anything from special shoe inserts to a chair that assisted her in sitting up and all her therapy.
Cayden’s gross motor skills have been the biggest challenge, but with the services, support and advocacy we received Cayden is now walking! There is no stopping her now!! Before Cayden turned 3, TARC coordinated a very smooth transition to our local school district, ensuring Cayden received the services she needs at her preschool. She will be attending McClure next month.