Tis the Season

Tis the Season
We have had a wonderful time getting ready for the holiday season. Our kitchen has been busy whipping up delightful, tasty treats for everyone to enjoy.
This year we had the honor of listening to the Topeka Collegiate Festival Singers. They put on a wonderful holiday show and we even joined in on a few songs!
Folks really enjoyed making and decorating their own sugar cook-ies. They were able to get creative and enjoys a wonderful snack.
This year we also made home-made holiday cards to be distrib-uted to the people we deliver lunches to on the Meals on Wheels program.
Throughout the rest of December we had many fun special events. Santa even visited one afternoon where people were able to give him their holiday wish lists.
Before holiday break we had a great party where we had music, games, holiday treats and a gift exchange. All in all we had a wonderful De-cember where lots of fun memories were made!