You’re eligible for TARC tiny-k services, what’s next?

We are honored that you chose to work with TARC’s tiny-k early intervention services! Through research, evidence based practice and experience we have learned the best way to help your young child is to work with the most important people in their lives. Every parent wants their child to reach their full potential and we will work with you and your family as a team to achieve these goals.

You’re a part of a unique team! Your team may include:

  • family service coordinator
  • physical therapist
  • occupational therapist
  • speech and language pathologist
  • early childhood special education teacher(s)
  • social worker(s)
  • consultations from a psychologist, nurse or a registered dietitian.

We would love to share your story! If you are interested in sharing your story on TARC’s Facebook page or on the website please contact your Family Service Coordinator.

“The therapists at TARC taught my husband and me techniques to manage Payton’s outbursts. Due to his sensory issues, Payton was an extremely picky eater, TARC taught us how to get him to eat. They taught us about ‘sensory play.’ They taught us proper ways to discipline. Payton’s therapists gave us nothing but love, time, knowledge and support.”

Payton's Mom

“TARC means knowing as a parent that you have given your child the absolute best chance you could at a happy, functional life.”

Grag & Kristina

Gaige's Parents